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Rockburn Stolen Kiss Rosé 750ml

It all started with a kiss! A Stolen Kiss Rosé back in 2006, when winemaker Malcolm Rees-Francis 'stole' some Pinot Noir grapes that were destined for Rockburn's flagship Central Otago Pinot Noir and turned them into one of the country's first premium Rosé wines. Once unleashed into your glass its candy-floss and crème-brûlée aromas shall sashay into a flirtatious toffee-apple and simmering strawberry palate smeared with cherry lip-gloss; most fun to drink chilled on sultry summer afternoons and evenings.

Rockburn The Art Pinot Noir 750ml

This wine is the result of Rockburn's Winemaker let loose to practice his Artistry on fruit from other sites within Central Otago. Created from a single vineyard site in the Dunstan foothills, this wine has a dense core of dark cherries, charred oak, notes of star anise, leather and cinnamon. Bold yet pliable tannins, fruit compote, cigar smoke and a muscular structure defined by length and elegance. Excellent with mature steaks and game.

Rojo Gran Rojo Garnacha 750ml

Hand harvested from 40 year-old Grenache vines in southern Spain and made in a modern, vibrantly fruity, opulent style this is a classic expression of immediately attractive, juicy, dark Grenache.

Rosie Prosecco 750ml


Rosie Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

This zesty and vibrant wine jumps from the glass, with highlights of fresh citrus, passionfruit and guava. On the palate, flavours of passionfruit, fresh citrus and herbaceous notes. The resulting wine is beautifully balanced, with fruit sweetness and joyful fresh acidity, this wine leaves you with mouth-watering sensations. Serve lightly chilled with a variety of seafood, white meat dishes or spring greens. It will also be a great match with crunchy, leafy and fresh green salads.

Rua by Akarua Central Otago Pinot Noir 750ml

A well-defined Central Otago Pinot Noir exhibiting juicy red fruits. Light, soft tannins compliment the savoury highlights and the finish is long and bright. This wine has won numerous awards and accolades including 95 points at the Decanter awards.

Rua by Akarua Central Otago Pinot Noir Rosé 750ml

This Central Otago Pinot Noir is lavishly layered with sweet, ripe, red berries, underpinned with savoury characters and a touch of spice.

Ruffino Lumina Prosecco DOC 750ml

The bouquet is fragrant and bursting with fruit notes. It shows clean aromas of apples, pears, and citrus, accompanied by hints of wisteria. Crisp, clean, and delicate with fine bubbles on the palate. Intense flavours of apples and peaches lead to a pleasant finish with lingering fruit and floral notes.

Sacred Hill Origin Pinot Noir 750ml

This supple and vibrant Pinot Noir offers aromas of dark cherry, raspberry and fruit compote supported by forest floor, wild mushroom and thyme. The palate shows good richness, suede-like tannins and a clean acidity that assists length.

Sacred Hill Reserve Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Complex aromas of ripe mandarin, nettle, fresh apricot, baked peach and lemon curd mingle with vanilla and clove spices. A seaside saltiness leads into the palate reinforcing a lovely rich entry that evolves seamlessly through the palate.

Sebastiani Chardonnay 750ml

Light golden in color with aromas of fresh apples, citrus and nectarine. The palate is rich yet crisp, with flavors of apricot, baked peaches, lemon and vanilla. Undertones of crème brûlée and toast are met with balanced acidity and a smooth finish.

Selaks Essential Selection Chardonnay 750ml

The Selaks range is made in an approachable style highlighting the fresh vibrant fruit character of each variety. These are wines suitable for all occasions, delivering excellent quality and consistency every vintage.
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