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Peter Lehmann True Legend Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Expect Rich aromas of blackcurrant and plum with a hint of dusty cedar oak. Classic warm-climate Cabernet Sauvignon, the palate is long and persistent with fine grain tannins intertwined with rich blue fruits and a long blackberry finish.

Peter Lehmann True Legend Shiraz 750ml

This vibrant warm climate shiraz shows aromas of juicy red cherry, offset with a touch of mocha oak. Rich and full on the palate, look for notes of ripe red fruit with long balanced tannins.

Picton Bay Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Picton Bay Sauvignon Blanc is a pure expression of Marlborough. It's fermented in stainless steel so no oaky or buttery characters are present to mask the intensely aromatic aromatics. It's a wine that's made in the vineyard.

Piper-Heidsieck Cuvée Brut & 2 Glasses Gift Pack 750ml

The nose is reminiscent of a bright, fresh morning during early Spring. Notes of citrus fruits, Granny Smith apple and subtle hints of warm toastiness follow spring blossoms such as hawthorn. The palate is lively and fresh, with more mature notes of pineapple, nutmeg, white pepper and oriental zest.

Piper-Heidsieck Cuvée Brut NV Champagne Gift Box 750ml

Since its founding in 1785, the House of Piper-Heidsieck has proven its innovative prowess in selecting and blending wines of exception. Cuvée Brut is an emblematic multi-vintage champagne, elaborated from a blend of more than 100 crus sourced from 3 grape varieties of Champagne. Cuvée Brut boasts a fresh, elegant and harmonious profile. Its nose offers delicate notes of pear, white peach, citrus and orange blossom. The palate also reveals aromas of toasted bread, fresh almonds and mint. Sublime as an aperitif, a champagne for every occasion.

Pirramimma 12YO Geoffrey Port 750ml

Light tawny in colour with a developed rancio character on the nose and a full rich palate.

Pirramimma Aged Tawny 750ml

Showing bright aged tawny and a hint of mandarin peel colour, displaying a bouquet of toffee, caramel and lifted brandy spirit. Rich and full bodied showing sweet old wood, chocolate, raisins and rancio characters. Luscious mouth feel, with a long lasting finish.

Pol Rémy Brut 750ml

A classic French sparkling. White-gold in colour that is fruity and delicate. A good balance between vinosity and roundness. A very pleasant wine. Best served chilled as an aperitif.

Pol Roger Brut Réserve Champagne NV 750ml

Few champagne houses remain in family hands. The impressively-pedigreed Pol Roger is one of them. Residing in the heart of Epernay with cellars running below the Avenue de Champagne for over seven kilometres, they are highly-skilled vinous alchemists in possession of an exquisite collection of wines. Not one of the region's show ponies, Pol nonetheless lead the charge from the front.

Q Malbec by Quarisa 750ml

Bright intense red with purple hues. Blueberries, also classic Malbec mulberry, red cherries and notes of cedar; cocoa and wafts of violets. At first this Malbec is Intense, juicy and super youthful 'grapeiness' again lots of blueberries. Almost overwhelming. The Middle Palate is generous and quite sensual it is structured despite the lashings of fresh fruit Really rich and lush. The after palate is flavoursome, rich sweet berry fruits and Damson plum is on top of rolling red fruits and Blueberry pie! The finish is lush and mouth filling with a glycerol sweetness balanced by gentle tannins and a soft fresh acidity. Along with barbecues, Malbec's team a treat with bold summery dishes. As they're by no means shrinking violets in the flavour department, a chilled bottle will go beautifully with beef fajitas or big-flavoured salads.

Quarisa Caravan Petite Sirah 750ml

Intense red with purple hues. Intense youthful fresh ripe berry fruit flavours with some well integrated vanillin oak. Full bodied dense ripe berry fruit flavours balanced with vanillin oak but yet long and smooth. Serve with a red wine casserole or a juicy steak with red onion jam. This wine has the flavour, structure and balance to be enjoyed now or offers added satisfaction from further cellaring.

Quarisa Johnny Q Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

The grapes were picked at between 13.5 to 14.0 Baume to produce the fruit flavours that are required to make this great wine. The grapes were fermented in a mixture of vessels to produce as much colour and flavour as possible. Portion of the wine underwent oak during fermentation and once dry, the remaining went to oak until the right balance was achieved. Careful tasting and blending, by Quarisa's winemaker, help produce this wine of style and great value for money.
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